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Winter Dry Scaly Skin and boosting AntiOxidants

Michelle Washington

How to really protect your skin from the harshest of winter months

Avante DNA Repair, PCA lactic, Nimue Alpha Lipoic Serum and Milk Baths

As we age our skin gets thinner and we need to up our game in terms of maintaining the quality or our skin and at times it seems a never ending battle.

Tip #1 - Evening Primrose Oil

Nana knew best right. This little beauty is as old as the hills as it is a phytoestrogen and it will help with the maintenance of moisture levels in the skin, it also can help with the pesky night sweats and the newly founded menopausal allergies

Tip #2 - Milk Baths

Think Cleopatra bathing in milk with Mark Anthony feeding her grapes..... Well not gonna happen here in Rotorua but if you own a bath you can get pretty close. 1/3 packet of milk power in a hot bath and soak - the trick is here that the lactic acid in the milk acts as an alpha hydroxy acid will actually soften the skin. Its great for people that suffer for highly keratinised skin conditions.

Its a Super Food for Your Skin

Tip #3 - Lotions

For the Body if you're suffering from aged UV damaged skin the Avante DNA Repair lotion now comes in a big fat tube and its packed with Omega 3 & 6 and ceramides. It bonds scaly flaky layers, builds up ceramides and repairs UV damage

For the younger keratinised skin the PCA Lactic Smooth Lotion is the go to. A lightweight beauty, that glides on, softens skin and exfoliates

Tip #4 - Mix it up

Don't keep using the same old products all year round, now especially if you are farming or our and about and have to deal with wind chill you need a protective layer.

Anti - Oxidants -We now stock the Nimue Alpha Lipoic Radiance Serum - it actively tightens, firms and revitalises the skin. Add Vitamin C Powder to your moisturiser. These will be like a super charged defence barrier.

Tip #5 - Radiation Damage

YArrgh the dreaded sun - SPF - can't say it enough

A few handy hints on keeping your skin in tip top condition through the harshest of months.


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